Ready to Mingle? Ready to Have Fun?

LetTheSparksFly.com puts the fun back in dating. Meet up to 20 Vancouver singles in an evening of excitement where anything can happen. Find love. Make a new friend. Try something new. LetTheSparksFly.com brings together a diverse group of people looking for the same things ... so come meet interesting singles and ... Let the Sparks Fly!

Next Event: TBD

A Night of Speed Dating
Event: For Asian Singles
Ages: Women/Men 25-35
Cost: $40 or $70 for two*
(+ Free drink per person)

Venue: N/A
Address: N/A
City: N/A
Time: N/A
Host: N/A

This will be an exciting evening where sparks are guaranteed to fly. Included with your payment is a complimentary drink. We anticipate a SOLD OUT event so register early. Click here to find out how this event works.

* Discount applies to Jack + Jill and Jane + Jill Combos.

Next Event (35+): CANCELLED

Mix & Mingle
Event: For Asian Singles
Ages: Women 30-40,
          Men 35-50
Cost: $15 or $20 for two*

Host: Elaine

We apologize but this event has been postponed until further notice. You will be contacted shortly regarding your payment and will be issued a refund.

This will be an exciting evening where sparks are guaranteed to fly. We anticipate a SOLD OUT event so register early.

* Discount applies to Jack + Jill and Jane + Jill Combos.

In addition to our Asian speed dating events, we hold special events that cater to different demographics such as the Asian 35+ and the South Asian communities.
Lastly, if you have any input on the types of events or any other thoughts you'd like to share, please let us know.

2009 © LetTheSparksFly.com

info@letthesparksfly.com  |  PRIVACY  |  TERMS

Website designed by Emilicious Designs